Paid, Owned and Earned Media—a Must for Your Marketing Strategy

During a recent seminar I conducted for a group of financial advisers titled, “Leveraging Marketing Content to Build Credibility, Gain Visibility and Grow Your Business,” my audience posed several questions about content types such as paid, owned and earned media. In our digital age, marketing content is king. Consumers no longer rely exclusively on print and broadcast media to
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To Improve Client Relationships, Turn the Light Inward

Because of the crucial role financial advisers play in the lives of their clients, they must be able to effectively manage both their clients’ emotional and financial demands. This is easier said than done, especially during times of financial turmoil, when it becomes particularly challenging to remain calm, focused and available to help clients face their
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Embrace ‘Beginner’s Mind’: Don’t Let Your Expertise Hold You Back

During a recent lunch with a well-known venture capital investor, I asked him what is the secret formula behind his spectacular success. His answer was laconic, “Beginner’s mind.” He explained that in spite of his in-depth venture capital expertise, he still looks at any new investment opportunity with the same child-like curiosity and desire to learn he
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