Use Storytelling to Persuade Your Audience to Take Action
Fast, brief and information-rich seem to have become the key attributes of our daily communication.
Although we are growing accustomed to this new communication paradigm, we need to remember that for more than 27,000 years—from the time of the first cave paintings—telling stories has been one of humanity’s most fundamental communication methods to build relationships, inform and
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6 Tips for Effective Media Outreach
Leveraging the power of media to grow your business is an investment that can pay attractive returns.
A few column inches in a newspaper or a three-minute interview on your local TV or radio station offer a rewarding opportunity to get your company name noticed by your target audiences. More importantly, it empowers you and your firm
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Storytelling—A Crucial Element to the Success of a Brand
Brands can use the emotional response of their audiences to storytelling to achieve their vision and goals.
Long gone are the days when brands could just rely on broadcasting their messages to reach and motivate their key
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